The X-PD
Lapsim Tools

The Vehicle Tool is used for construction of the vehicle description and for detailed parameter setting.

The Circuit Tool is used for the construction of the circuit path and geometry to be used in the lap simulation.

The solver is the heart of the simulation toolbox and is used for implementing the lap solution.

The Data Export facility allows advanced users to review simulation data in industry standard packages.
The X-PD
Vehicle simulation and analysis for design validation, performance development and optimisation.
Rapid Application Development and modelling for engineering design and virtual testing purposes.
Race, Data & Operations Engineering support provided with expert knowledge at all levels of competition.
The X-PD

X-PD LapSIM PRO is a highly configurable and flexible lap simulation environment developed on X-PD LapSIM's foundation.

X-PD Strategy Tools are developed to the exacting requirements of the professional endurance racing environment.
The X-PD Motorsports