The LapSIM Solver is the tool for running the lap simulation, the interface allows the user to select a vehicle and circuit file for the simulation or (optionally) the ‘current’ vehicle and/or circuit (those applications must be running on the local machine for this functionality). This means that the solver can be used alongside the vehicle and circuit tools or in isolation with the required files only.
The advantage of using the solver alongside the vehicle and/or circuit tools is that the vehicle or circuit parameters can be easily adjusted and the simulation re-run quickly without the need to generate and save completely new vehicle or circuit files.
When the simulation has been setup and executed a progress window is displayed showing relevant information, once complete a basic set of results are displayed immediately to the user in the main window of the solver, this includes information on the lap time, maximum speed, average speed and the execution time. In addition a trace of simulation data is displayed as an overlay with the actual data which was used to produce the circuit profile originally, allowing for a quick check of correct execution.
The ‘Solver Options’ and ‘Solution Setup’ menus allow the user to specify simulation parameters for convergence and resolution as well as solution settings such as ambient conditions, overall track grip levels, performance parameters (extent to which the peak tyre performance is utilised) etc.
The user also has options on how the software saves data files for post processing and what data is to be output to those files. A run history for the session is displayed in the main window with the main results also shown, for licensed users the solver can save individual run files and/or session files containing the results data as required, the session files can be reviewed and data saved directly to individual detailed analysis files from there.